20 years ago, Tinder took the world by storm. Today the hunting world faces a similar phenomenon, Hunting HQ

Bringing hunters, farmers, and landowners together for a match made in hunting heaven. In this Tinder meets Airbnb situation hunters get to shoot game on prime land, while the landowners get the benefit of free pest control and more!

Grant Shanks sat down with Marc Featherstone, CEO of HuntingHQ, to discuss the business, backstory, and benefits of this groundbreaking service.

When the government changed the firearms laws around semi-automatic weapons in 2019 Marc found himself unable to shoot 3-gun. The absence of this sport spurred him back into the direction of hunting where the idea for Hunting HQ was born.

“I hit on the idea of establishing a company that would put hunters and landowners together in a mutually beneficial way. Speaking to many hunters, the problems of access to private land, mainly due to liability issues, came up as the number one frustration for most of them. I decided there had to be a way to accommodate both parties. It took about a year of planning to bring things together. We’ve now been operating for more than a year and are experiencing a 26% monthly growth in membership, and that includes hunters and landowners who are coming on board.”

>> Read the full feature here

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