SADDLE UP SAFELY: Riding Tips for Exploring the Farm


Horseback riding on a farm can be an invigorating experience, offering a unique connection with nature and animals. However, it’s important to remember that farms come with their own set of challenges and considerations. Whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or a novice rider, here are five key things to be aware of when riding on a farm to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure.

Livestock Awareness

Farms often rely on dogs to muster stock, and occasionally, an animal might pass away unnoticed until a headcount is conducted. If you come across a sick, injured, or deceased animal, promptly inform the farmer. Not only does this aid in responsible farm management, but it also helps maintain a safe environment for both riders and animals.

Gate Etiquette: A Simple Action with Significant Impact

It’s a straightforward rule but holds immense importance: always close the gate the way you found it. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience to dismount and secure a gate, the consequences of neglecting this task can be disastrous. Open gates can lead to stock escaping and mingling with other groups or even venturing onto roadways. By respecting this rule, you contribute to the overall order and safety of the farm.

Handling Stock and Wildlife: Navigating the Unexpected

For horses unaccustomed to farm surroundings, encounters with cattle, sheep, and wildlife can trigger unease. The unexpected appearance of these animals from bushes or paddocks might startle horses, potentially leading to unpredictable behavior. To ease this transition, having a calm and experienced horse in the group can help keep nervous ones at ease. Be prepared for curious young cattle that might follow you, and always maintain a watchful eye on your surroundings.

Track Selection: Staying on the Right Path

While it might be tempting to veer off the beaten track and explore lush pastures, exercise caution. The absence of other stock or vehicle marks could indicate potential hazards. During wetter months, seemingly inviting patches of green can transform into waterlogged, treacherous terrain. Stick to established tracks to avoid the risk of bogging down and compromising your ride.


In conclusion, embarking on a farm riding adventure opens up a world of natural beauty and close encounters with farm life. By being aware of these five essential considerations—livestock awareness, gate etiquette, handling stock and wildlife, track selection, and respecting your horse’s abilities—you can ensure a safe and memorable experience.

Written by:
Gail Radburnd | OutdoorHQ Team

Gail is keen horse rider, farmer and outdoor enthusiast.

Written by:
Gail Radburnd | OutdoorHQ Team
Gail is keen horse rider, farmer and outdoor enthusiast.

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