Phil Spahn from ‘The Wild Table’ explains how HuntingHQ can help new hunters get started.

The question about hunting is this: where to begin?

When I started hunting as an adult-onset hunter, I had no idea. Zero. I painstakingly figured out all the steps one by one and it took a damn long time. I had no mentors, no family who hunted and no clue. All I had was sheer determination.

“I had no mentors, no family who hunted and no clue.”

But it doesn’t have to be so difficult. And more so, I believe it should not be. In fact, since there are so many wild game species in this country that require management, I ask myself these days why the government does not seek to make it easier for recreational hunters to gain easier access to do the job that needs doing for free. And this is where Hunting HQ comes in for me.

HuntingHQ - Hunting block - Hunt block - Mt Zion Station - Manawatu - North Island - New Zealand

Another young hunter over the moon learning to hunt on our Mt Zion Station hunting block


Hunting HQ is providing an opportunity that is a Win-Win. Hunters pay an affordable fee to get their chance at a safe and much more surefire way to hunt and harvest wild game, and farmers make some extra money instead of spending it on pest control operators.

The number of deer, goats and other critters I have seen let rot in the bush as a result of those pest control operations, when you or I could have made so much use of it, turns my stomach.

“Hunting for food is the way to maintain good numbers of wild animals in NZ.”

It’s a no brainer for me. Hunting for food is the way to maintain good numbers of wild animals in New Zealand and this is the perfect opportunity to do just that.

HuntingHQ - Hunting block - Hunt block - Motere Station - Waikato - North Island - New Zealand

A couple of young hunters enjoying a great hunt with dad Chrison our  Motere Station hunting block.


I’d love to see more families take to the hills, to move, and experience the outdoors, learn about wild food and to navigate the task of getting it.

“I’d love to know that the future of hunting in NZ is bright.”

I’d love to see more youngsters be passionate about our environment. More wild game being cooked on the BBQ and I’d love to know that the future of hunting in NZ is bright.

After all this is one thing our species has done for the longest time, and we ought to remember this. Nurture this. Live this.

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Written by:
HuntingHQ Ambassadors
The Wild Table | Phil & Cheska

Youtube:  @TheWildTable   |   Instagram: @the.wild.table

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