Hunting on private land can be a great experience, but it’s important to understand why farmers might be annoyed with hunters that simply rock up to their door and ask to hunt on their property. Here are some common reasons why farmers might be frustrated with this type of approach. 

1. Farmers are busy people. They have a lot of work to do, and they don’t have time to spend dealing with hunters. When hunters show up unannounced and ask to hunt on their land, it can be disruptive and inconvenient. 

2. Hunting can interfere with farming operations. Hunting season often coincides with the busy farming season, and hunters can disrupt the farmer’s work by asking for access at the wrong times.  

3. Some farmers may have personal or cultural reasons for not wanting hunters on their land. They may have a history of negative experiences with hunters, or they may simply not be interested in hunting as a sport. 

4. Farmers may be concerned about liability. If a hunter is injured on their property, the farmer could be held responsible. This can create legal and financial risks that farmers don’t want to deal with. 

It’s important for hunters to understand these concerns and to be respectful and considerate when asking for permission to hunt.  

The good thing is, farmers and hunters are now using OutdoorHQ to solve this issue. OutdoorHQ is an online solution that connects hunters with farmers, who are open to host hunting on their land. 

It’s simple and straight forward: 

  1. Farmers simply select the dates they’re happy to host hunters on their farm 
  2. Hunters can then select a property and send an automated booking enquiry  
  3. The farmer can review the booking request and confirm 

Everything happens online with the touch of a button. This approach saves time, eliminates frustration and helps build positive relationships. 

The best part is it puts the farmer in complete control and offers complete peace-of-mind. 


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